The best and the most reliable way to deal with major changes and start a transformation process at a profound level, is building a version of you that is capable of managing that change properly. The long term commitment (3 or a 6 month) will ensure you have the needed support on a weekly basis, to clear past memories and reprogram your unconscious mind for the desired change.
If you know what you want and feel ready to manifest change..
If you know what you want and feel ready to manifest change..
When working towards a major change in your life (such as a major career change, improve your relationships, breakthrough certain habits) you need to develop from within an expanded version of you that is capable to start, manage and sustain that change.
This means readjusting your beliefs and your values and translating them into healthy habits that are in alignment with the change you want to see in your life.
At the same time, understanding the deepest levels of motivation of this process, helps you not only bring forth the desired change, but also reach a greater level of meaning and value in your life.
Stepping into and embodying a more elaborated version of yourself is much more at hand than you imagine. Even right now, as you read these words, you can think of areas of your life that you could benefit from improving and you know precisely what and how you’d like them to be.
This long term coaching plan helps you make conscious choices while ensuring a steady and sure progress towards the new expanded version of yourself.